On the 9th of February India Affiliate Conference took place in Leela Ambience Hall. This event was made by Traffic Cardinal and Leadbit. So, here some information and my thoughts about it.

Delhi - is our first international stop and it was quite exciting to do big event in big country. We choose India, because it is one of the fastest developing countries. And I'am talking not only about economy - about traffic too. It's well known fact that there were a lot of fraud traffic from Indian's webmasters, but now situation is changing rapidly. Today, according to Admitad, local affiliate generate high-quality leads for dozens of companies. This is an extra argument that confirms our choice of India as one of the countries with outstanding potential in affiliate market. And as Traffic Cardinal is the biggest affiliate community in Russia we want to connect Russian marketers with most promising Indian community.
In the early morning Convention hall of Leela Hotel was full of workers - we made last preparation before the "show". And at 9 am we were happy to see our first guests - Diamond, Gold and meetmarket sponsors. 6 companies came from Russia and Ukraine special for Indian MAC.
At 11:30, after refreshment and networking, all activity moved to the conference hall, where the speeches started. All video we will share later with Traffic Cardinal community. Link to the speaker's slides you will find at the end of this post. And right now I want to say many thanks to our experts for their perfomance. And of course to amazing audience for patient listening and thorough questions.
I received a lot of questions: why Traffic Cardianl do this? So, let me explain. We want to erase border between affiliates and moneymakers from different countries. In January we released english version of our community and we are going to help webmasters, who doesn't speak English o Russian. We will translate best post from Russian to English, and vice versa. A little bit later Spanish edition will come.
And as for me, I really enjoy our first step to international events. And no doubt - we are going to make Indian MAC 2019, 3 times bigger with outstanding afterparty. I think the announcement will be on Traffic Cardinal in April, right after Moscow Affiliate Conference. So, keep in touch.
P.S. Speakers' slides you can find here.