Everyone knows that if you start set up target audience Facebook provides additional groups based on interests you had select. On the one hand, it helps to reach people who wouldn’t see your ad. On the other hand, it creates a problem: the ad is shown even to people who do not need it (in the end, the whole budget just goes nowhere).

How can you make sure that the ads will shown only for interested people? The solution is to exclude uninterested people. Here is how you can do that. For example I want to sell basketball shoes.
STEP 1: Create a basic audience, based on Facebook statistics. We made a broad audience and set GEO, age and interests. 7-8 million is good audience but there are lots of people which are not doing sports (may be they like to watch the game) so they don't need our shoes.
So we save the audience like “NBA” and open Facebook Ads Creator.
STEP 2: Reduce the audience
Create a new ad in Ads Manager using the saved audience. In this case we use "Conversions".
Don’t forget to install Facebook's Pixel on website to track conversions.Now we need to upload our saved audience “NBA”.
When it will upload push “Edit” to reduce the audience
Click on "Exclude people"
I exclude everyone who pays only in cash.When we want to narrow the audience, we choose people whose interests coincide with the original ones and create a new group that has other interests in common.
For example our audience is interestied in:
- Lebron James
- Stephen Curry
And we want to reach everyone from this list who is interested in brands:
- Adidas
- Nike
- Streetwear
- Yeezy
You can also narrow audience to choose people who have already bought clothes in online stores.
May be when you start your ad campaign you always think about showing your ad to more people. But in reality, everything is exactly the opposite. If you do not narrow the audience, you spend time and money on people who don't care about your products.