Let’s assume you have an affiliate offer that you’d like to advertise. I’ll tell you how to use Instagram Shoutout which is one of the most effective and inexpensive methods.

If someone still doesn’t know what Insta Shoutout is, it’s a method when the publisher approaches an influencer with a huge number of followers and asks to place the screenshot from the publisher’s profile on the page of the influencer for exact amount of money.
Find the Influencer. It’s quite easy to do: search your product, check the top posts and choose accs with decent amount of traffic (50K of followers and 1000+ post likes is good enough).
For example, we’re promoting backpacks or other camping equipment. Here are examples of search and possible influencers:
Contact the page owner and negotiate for a price. It’s better to start with a price around $100.
Create your Shoutout: choose the best content (description of a product, image showing the results).
Then there are different ways of converting Shoutout traffic. There can be a call-to-action button or a referral link to your landing page.
This scheme has been tested many times and brings around 25% of ROI. Make sure you have enough knowledge about the product and can present and promote it well. Good luck:)