Guys, MAC Autumn Edition is coming!

Together with Leadbit and Mobytize, Traffic Cardinal is organizing affiliate conference in Kiev on the 3rd of October, 2018.
As usual, special conditions are available for TC users. We offer 100% discount for a Gold pass, which allows to attend the official part of the conference, listen to the reports and communicate with affiliates. Look for a promo code on your profile.
Moreover, we’re happy to inform you that you have an opportunity to get 100% discount for a VIP conference pass. Besides all the benefits of a Gold pass, it also allows you to take part in fabulous after-party, which will start straight away after the conference and will last till morning.
So, what do you need to do in order to get a VIP pass?
- Write 7 unique posts, min length is 300 symbols.
- Please add to the title of your post: [Want VIP for MAC Kiev].
- Daily restriction - no more than 1 contest post a day.
What to write about?
Interesting stories from your experience of affiliate marketer, your thoughts on the topic, case studies, failed algorithms, tutorials, etc.
Good luck!