Статьи на тему «fbads»

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📕Facebook Ads Manager: настройка рекламного кабинета 2025 - пошаговая инструкция

Facebook — крупнейшая социальная сеть в мире с самообучающимся искусственным интеллектом. И хотя Метавселенная уже вовсю обсуждается на просторах интернета, реклама ФБ пока еще выделяется лучшими результатами конверта в мире, тем самым привлекая новых рекламодателей. В этой статье разберемся, ...

#фейсбук #fbads #adsmanager #настройкарк

FB banned trustfull accounts

Good evening!

Help me please, bocouse I dont know what to do. I already create 2 facebook accounts with 2 different IP. After 1-2 days they were blocked before I started running ads? And accs look like the usual user. What is the problem?

#facebook #ban #fbads

“Learn more” button or “Shop now”?

If I’ll change the "Learn more" button to the "Shop now" button in active ad will I go to re-moderation?? I have a good CTR on this Ad cause FB already get a good Audience. And If it gone to re-moderation , does FB start re-search for the audience?

#facebook #fbads #audience #activead

Using bridge page with FB ads

Does anyone knows is the FB ads + bridge page model can still be successful? Who is still use this model to convert affiliate sales ?

#facebook #bridgepage #fbads

How I use 1$ FB Ads

I noticed an interesting feature of FB ads budget. I have been running several FB ads for 1$ and they almost always outperform the ads with bigger budgets such as $10-$20/ad. This is how I do it:

-For the first I narrow an audience

to 100 000

-So my ad show me a potential reach ...

#facebook #fbads #budget

Problems with GEO in FB ads?

Hi everyone! I'm running Fb Ad targeting on Ukraine but often I see Germany, India and US in analytics. Does anyone had a similar problem?

#facebook #fbads #geo

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